Time passes.
It's been at least a couple of years since I've been on the water. My last kayak—a Folbot Yukon—got stolen out of my trailer hold, along with my paddles, life vest, and a bunch of other stuff.And I've been super busy working on other projects. So, getting out on the water for a paddle has been pushed down to the lowest rung on the priority ladder.
That's about to change.
I miss getting out on the water, watching the ripples curl back from the bow and the scenery go by. I need to get a boat and get back out there.
Unfortunately, my budget constraints at the moment are such that I'm going to have to run with a cheapie 'yak, for now, and save up my nickels for something better, later on.
I'd love to get another Folbot but, alas, they're out of business—not only Folbot but Feathercraft seems to have bit the dust, as well. The loss of those two premier folding kayak manufacturers is be felt, for sure.
Even so, neither of those would be in my budget at the moment: so the cheapie will have to do, for now.
That item is a Pelican Mustang I picked up from my local Dick's Sporting Goods store on black friday—I got a great deal with 25% off. Next, a local kayak rental place here in Southern Utah, Dig Paddlesports LLC (a surprising resource located at Quail Lake—real friendly folks, if you happen to be in the area), was holding a yard sale and I was able to get a used paddle and a primo flotation vest on sale.All I need now is a carrier—something that wasn't needed with the Folbot. Something else that wasn't a big issue with the Folbot is storage—we're somewhat limited on space and we like to be able to put two cars in the garage. So, I've put it in my toy-hauler, for now. I can throw it in the back of the pickup when I want to get out on the water. I'll look for a carrier, later.
All well and good. Except it's winter, of course, and I'm not into cold weather paddling, biking, or anything else. The plan is to go south within the next couple of weeks, and throw it in water wherever I can find a bit of warmth.
Will post as it happens.